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By Craig Johnson

4 Drawbacks to Leasing (and Why People Still Do)

In the long term, the benefits of buying are tough to beat.

Maybe the best way to highlight the benefits of buying your home solar energy system is to talk about what you lose when you lease. Nonetheless, leasing might be the best option for you and your situation, which we'll also discuss. The sales pitch of the leasing company can sound mighty appealing: Just sign the contract and they will handle the fin...
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Home Loan

7 Common Mortgage Myths Debunked

Don’t be swayed by misinformation when it comes to a home loan. Get the facts straight before beginning the search for your dream home.
Mortgage Refinance

COVID-19: Timing Right for Mortgage Refi

Low and volatile rates are drawing many refinancers to the market right now.
Home Loan

Interest Rate vs. APR: What's the Difference?

Making sense of annual percentage rates and interest rates.