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By Craig Johnson

Covid-19 Hastened Peak Oil, If It Isn't Already Here: Experts

The pandemic set oil production back two years while investments in alternative energy grew, leading some forecasters to predict an earlier arrival of peak oil.

The coronavirus pandemic quickened the pace at which mankind is hurtling toward peak oil, some experts say. How can this be with so many former commuters working from home and with air traffic severely down? It's true that in April 2020, overall U.S. energy consumption dropped 14% compared to the year before. It was the lowest monthly level since 1...
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Mortgage Refinance

Experts Urge People to Switch to 15-Year Fixed, and Here's Why

Combine a shorter term with one of today's low refi rates and you get a double dose of savings.
Mortgage Refinance

The Relationship Between Equity and Refinancing

What happens to your hard-earned equity when you replace your mortgage contract?
Home Buying

Discount Points vs. More Money Down: The Best Use of Your Cash

Common sense says to put as much money down on a home as you can afford, but the power of discount points is undeniable.
Mortgage Refinance

3 Ways You Can Speed Up Your Mortgage Refi

Due to the soaring popularity of refinancing, the process can drag, but here are ways to accelerate it.
Mortgage Refinance

Mortgage Interest Rates Over Time

6-year data that could help you make smart money moves.
Mortgage Refinance

Don't Believe These 3 Popular Money Myths

Doing so could cost you big!
Home Improvement

Don't Lose 10% of Your Home's Value: Spring Maintenance Checklist

Spring is the ideal season to retain or renew your home's value through these mostly DIY-friendly tasks.
Getting Started

3 Important Money-Management Lessons to Teach Your Kids

How to set your children up for financial success.
Mortgage Refinance

More Things People Wish They'd Known About Refinancing

Continued: By focusing on lowering their payment, some refi customers lose sight of these other effects of a mortgage refinance.
Home Loan

The Pros and Cons of Popular Mortgage Payment Options

Personal check? Online payment service? Credit card? What's the best way to pay installments?
Solar News

Clean Energy Jobs Pay Better

Jobs in clean energy pay much more than average and, after the pandemic, are likely to recover quicker than fossil fuel jobs.
Solar News

Markets Are Moving Away From Fossil Fuels

You're probably divesting from fossil fuels without knowing it as markets shed carbon companies in favor of clean tech.
Solar News

What's the Future of Energy?

Which energy sources are set to dominate the industry?
Solar Basics

5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Solar Installer

These tips can help you choose a solar company.
Home Improvement

Is a Grid-Tied Solar Panel System Right for You?

The pros, cons, and potential savings.
Solar Basics

Water and Power: How Rain and Clouds Affect Solar Energy Generation

How much does inclement weather affect solar energy production, and does it mean we need to have battery backup?
Energy Saving Tips

Tips That Help You Get the Most out of Your Solar Panels

We help you maximize use and savings.
Energy Saving Tips

Going Green Saves Green: a Cost-Effective Way to Live

A green household is more efficient and less expensive in these many ways.
Home Improvement

The Solar Panel Bump to Home Values

Energy bills down, home value up. We shine a light on the solar win-win.
Solar News

Large-Scale Solar Projects on the Rise in 2020

The dependability and the cost-effectiveness of solar power shine in a year of much uncertainty.