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By Mark Lawrence

How to Get Solar Lights to Work: Troubleshooting Tips and Solutions

How to get solar lights to work: Troubleshooting tips and solutions to ensure your solar lights shine brightly and efficiently. Find out more to keep your outdoor space illuminated all year round.

Have you ever wondered how to get solar lights to work seamlessly on your patio? Solar lights are an eco-friendly alternative to conventional lighting solutions. They are more energy-efficient and can make your outdoor spaces look more aesthetically pleasing due to their unique designs. However, these lights could suddenly stop working due to unfor...
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Solar News

Several U.S. Solar Companies Want Trump's Tariffs to Stay

If we want to transition to clean Energy by 2035, this is the way.
Green Living

How Green Energy Is Facing the Challenges

Popular and pollution-free energy resources need to scale up and spread out, as the green energy industry well knows.
Home Improvement

Replacing Your Roof? Why Not Go Solar As Well?

Combining both jobs can save you serious cash.
Energy Saving Tips

The 3 Biggest Energy Hogs in a Typical Home and What You Can Do About It

Electricity is America's number one power source, so where is most of the juice going in your home?
Solar Incentives

Energy Prices to Rise 5% by Next Year While Solar Gets Cheaper

Rate trends strengthen home solar's value proposition.
Getting Started

5 Household Expenses You Cut Right Now, Easily

Because you can think of better uses for your hard-earned money.
Mortgage Refinance

Does Unemployment Affect Your Credit Score?

How unemployment can't—and can—affect your credit score.
Mortgage Refinance

The Risks and Rewards of Locking In Your Mortgage Rate

Locking in a low rate seems like a simple decision, but is there a catch?
Home Equity

The 3 Best and 3 Worst Ways to Use Your Home Equity

Protect your hard-earned investment!
Green Living

Reap the Benefits of Off-Grid Living Without Going Hermit

As scientists increase their understanding of how nature benefits humans, we've learned how to bring the goodness to where we already live.
Solar Basics

How Much Solar Would It Take to Replace Your Energy Bill?

A simplified look at how powerful a solar energy system your house would need for you to replace your energy bill.
Home Buying

What Usually Causes a Home to Fail Inspection?

When a sale falls through after a home inspection, it's often because the buyer's expectations didn't match reality.
Home Loan

When Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early?

Believe it or not, mortgage prepayment isn't for every borrower.
Getting Started

This Happens to Your House If You Die Without a Will

To your spouse, to your kids, or to the (gulp) state—where does your house go if you leave no will?
Home Improvement

7 Home Renovations That Can Hurt Your Home's Value

Are you helping or hurting your bottom line?
Mortgage Refinance

Why Switching Your ARM to Fixed-Rate Is More Important Than Ever

Lock in a low interest rate today before the inevitable climb.
Home Improvement

3 Home Remodeling Facts No One Likes to Talk About

Are you prepared for what's to come?
Solar Basics

Solar Panel Inspection and Permit Process

What to expect when the time comes to go solar.
Solar Basics

How Many Hours of Sunlight Do Solar Panels Need?

And how to calculate those peak hours.
Solar News

Tech Heavyweights Pledge Green Futures

This decade, the world's most valuable companies (all of them American) will be putting their money where their mouth is.