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By Mark Lawrence

How to Get Solar Lights to Work: Troubleshooting Tips and Solutions

How to get solar lights to work: Troubleshooting tips and solutions to ensure your solar lights shine brightly and efficiently. Find out more to keep your outdoor space illuminated all year round.

Have you ever wondered how to get solar lights to work seamlessly on your patio? Solar lights are an eco-friendly alternative to conventional lighting solutions. They are more energy-efficient and can make your outdoor spaces look more aesthetically pleasing due to their unique designs. However, these lights could suddenly stop working due to unfor...
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Mortgage Refinance

Mortgage Refinance Checklist #1: Your Goals

The first step in your refinance journey is deciding what you hope to achieve.
Mortgage Refinance

3 Big Money Mistakes to Avoid in 2021

Get your financial health back on track!
Mortgage Refinance

How Long Does It Take to Refinance a Mortgage?

Here's how soon you could have a refinanced mortgage contract in hand.
Home Loan

Your Guide to Adjustable-Rate Mortgages

Get to know this popular loan option!
Home Loan

Paying Closing Costs Now vs. Rolling Them Into a Home Loan

Should you pay closing costs out of pocket or finance them with the loan?
Home Buying

What's Coming If You Buy or Refi in 2021

Low rates and decelerating home prices are two pieces of good news for anyone who wants to buy a home in the new year.
Home Loan

5 Things You Shouldn't Do After Applying for a Mortgage

Ready to close? Steer clear of these common pitfalls.

Advantages of Buying in a New Neighborhood

New construction has the appeal of freshness but costs more.
Home Loan

Your Guide to Common Mortgage Options

Learn about three mortgage options that are popular among first-time buyers.
Mortgage Refinance

Refinancing vs. Loan Modification

Refinancing isn't the only way to get new mortgage terms!
Reverse Mortgage

Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You? Q&A

For certain people a reverse mortgage is a worthwhile loan product, but how do you know if you're one of them?
Mortgage Refinance

Refinancing a Mortgage When You Have Bad Credit

Everyone deserves refinancing options. Do you know yours?
Solar Basics

Buying vs. Leasing Solar Panels

Which is right for you?
Solar Basics

The Main Benefits of Solar Power

From aggressive incentives to curbing greenhouse gases, there are so many advantages to installing solar panels onto your home.
Green Living

Solar Success Story: The Neumanns

Blackout? What Blackout? A couple's first 100 days with a cutting-edge solar system.
Solar Incentives

5 Incentives to Solar Up

Concrete financial incentives that any homeowner thinking of solar power needs to know about.
Solar Basics

Impressive Solar Ground Frameworks

Reimagine solar installations by getting off the roof.
Solar Incentives

What's the Federal Solar Tax Credit?

And how will it change over the years?
Solar Basics

The Secret to Comparing Solar Quotes

You can use this handy three-point checklist to look over competing solar offers.
Solar Basics

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Solar Panels

From evaluating your roof to installation and maintenance, EnergyBillCruncher has you covered.