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By Craig Johnson

So We've Reached Grid Parity. What's Ahead?

Now that cities can build solar fields for no more money than coal plants, advances will accelerate.

Proponents of renewable energy have long made the case that although upfront costs might be higher, green is the way to go for a cleaner, more sustainable future. But coal powerplants were cheaper to build, and bean counters often go with whatever's cheaper in the short term. There was no getting around it: Coal simply cost less. Or at least it use...
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Getting Started

So You Want to Be a Landlord? How to Run a Credit Check on a Prospective Tenant

The legal way to screen out unreliable tenants and turn extra rooms into extra income.
Mortgage Refinance

5 Signs It's Time to Refinance Your Mortgage

Do any of these situations apply to you?
Mortgage Refinance

How to Calculate the Breakeven Point of a Refi

Getting the ball rolling on a mortgage refinance takes money in the form of closing costs, so how long does the ball have to roll before the savings kick in?
Debt Consolidation

Easily Calculate Your Net Worth

Calculate your net worth to see if your finances are on track.
Mortgage Refinance

Homeowners Are Frantic to Secure Insanely Low Refinance Rates

The Federal Reserve slashed its rate to near zero; that's great news for homeowners!
Mortgage Refinance

50-Year Historic Low Interest Rates As a Result of Fed’s Stimulus Program

How to secure a historically low interest rate. Pay off your mortgage fast!
Household Finances

Homeowners Can Save 20% on Energy Bills With This Appliance Makeover

When your home needs new appliances, remember that one label means energy efficiency, quality assurance, and claims verified by third-party testing.
Household Finances

Spring Clean Your Finances in 5 Easy Steps

It's time for a fresh financial start!
Mortgage Refinance

Mortgage Refinance Checklist #3: The Documents You Need

The paperwork you need and where to get the documents for a faster and more informed refinance.
Mortgage Refinance

Tax Deductions and Your Mortgage Refinance

Refinanced in 2020? Here's what you need to know about tax deductions!
Solar News

Continued Strong, Growing Support for Renewable Energy, With a Generation Gap

Most Americans favor expanding our renewable energy sources, with the under-40 set most keen, surveys show.
Solar Basics

Should You Buy a Home With Solar Panels?

What you need to know about buying a house with a renewable energy system.
Solar News

Oil Companies Blend Renewable Energy Into the Mix

Profit and predictability drive a growing investment by Big Oil in solar, wind, and other green resources.
Solar News

Clean Energy Jobs Pay Better

Jobs in clean energy pay much more than average and, after the pandemic, are likely to recover quicker than fossil fuel jobs.
Solar News

Markets Are Moving Away From Fossil Fuels

You're probably divesting from fossil fuels without knowing it as markets shed carbon companies in favor of clean tech.
Solar News

What's the Future of Energy?

Which energy sources are set to dominate the industry?
Solar Basics

5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Solar Installer

These tips can help you choose a solar company.
Home Improvement

Is a Grid-Tied Solar Panel System Right for You?

The pros, cons, and potential savings.
Solar Basics

Water and Power: How Rain and Clouds Affect Solar Energy Generation

How much does inclement weather affect solar energy production, and does it mean we need to have battery backup?
Energy Saving Tips

Tips That Help You Get the Most out of Your Solar Panels

We help you maximize use and savings.