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By Marisa Schley

Solar Panel Payback Period

How long will it take to break even?

Do solar panels really pay for themselves? Fair question, as if you're not one of those who qualify for $0 down installation, you'll be dealing with some upfront costs. It doesn't make sense to pay an initial sum for a product that doesn't offer a substantial return on investment. Thankfully, renewable energy is a fantastic investment, as a system ...
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Home Buying

Common Misconceptions: First-Time Home Buyer Questions You Didn’t Know to Ask

Common misconceptions: first-time home buyer questions you didn’t know to ask are listed here. Learn more here before even thinking about buying a new home.
Home Buying

The Benefits and Risks of Refinancing Your Personal Loan

The Benefits and Risks of Refinancing Your Personal Loan. Discover how to lower payments and interest rates while weighing potential fees and long-term costs.
Home Buying

Exploring 40-Year Home Loans: Advantages and Disadvantages for Homebuyers

Exploring 40-Year Home Loans: Understand the pros and cons of a 40-year mortgage, including its impact on monthly payments, equity, and total interest costs.
what is mortgage commitment

The Significance of Mortgage Commitment in Securing Your Home Loan

The Significance of Mortgage Commitment in Securing Your Home Loan lies in providing financial assurance, boosting buyer credibility, and ensuring smoother transactions.
modular and manufactured homes, modular versus manufactured

Modular Homes and Manufactured Homes: What Sets Them Apart?

Modular Homes and Manufactured Homes: What Sets Them Apart? Read the blog post to determine which option suits your needs best.
how to buy tax delinquent properties

The Essentials of Acquiring Tax delinquent Properties

The Essentials of Acquiring Tax Delinquent Properties. Read the blog post to understand the process, risks, and rewards of these unique real estate properties.
Compound interest loan, Compounded interest loan

Understanding Compound Interest Loans: How They Differ from Simple Interest

Understanding Compound Interest Loans: How They Differ from Simple Interest. Learn how each loan type works, what their costs are, and which could save you money over time.

The Basics of SRECs: Definition and Function in Solar Energy

The Basics of SRECs: Definition and Function in Solar Energy. Learn how SRECs work, their financial benefits, and why they're essential for solar energy producers.
Is net metering worth it

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Net Metering: Is It Worth It?

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Net Metering: Is It Worth It? Discover how net metering can reduce bills, its environmental impact, and potential challenges.
why is my power bill so high

High Power Bill? How to Identify and Address the Causes

High Power Bill? How to Identify and Address the Causes—discover simple solutions, energy-saving tips, and government incentives to reduce your energy costs and keep your home efficient.
Dryer wattage, Average dryer wattage

Understanding Dryer Wattage: What You Need to Know

Understanding Dryer Wattage: What You Need to Know. Learn how dryer wattage affects energy use, tips to save, and how solar panels can power your dryer efficiently.
Is a tankless water heater worth it

Tankless Water Heaters: Assessing Their Value and Efficiency

Tankless Water Heaters: Assessing Their Value and Efficiency. Discover how these units save energy, work with solar panels, and provide endless hot water on demand!
Home Buying

The True Price of Being House Poor: Financial Implications and Solutions

The True Price of Being House Poor: Financial Implications and Solutions. Unveil the hidden costs, psychological effects, and expert strategies.
Home Buying

Everything You Need to Know About Accelerated Loans

Everything you need to know about accelerated loans! Learn more about it here if you are thinking about getting an accelerated clause.
how to screen renters

How to Choose Reliable Tenants: Screening Processes and Criteria

How to Choose Reliable Tenants: Screening Processes and Criteria; Tips for screening renters, including credit checks, income verification, and maintaining solid tenant relationships to ensure your property’s safety.
Protect Your Privacy

Shut It Down: How You Can Seal Your Court Records

These are the steps jurisdictions generally require before a judge might agree to seal, or even destroy, your records.

The Telltale Signs You Married a Bigamist

You never really know who you just tied the knot with.

Seller Beware: Your Online Ad Draws Scammers

We are instinctively cautious when purchasing from strangers, but scammers also pretend to be buyers. Learn to spot them.
Protect Your Privacy

Protect Your Information Online Like the Security Experts Do

Cyber crime is at an all-time high, and background checks might be the only answer.

Is He Cheating? Know Once and for All

Don't be in the dark any longer.