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By Marisa Schley

5 Signs It's Time to Refinance Your Mortgage

Do any of these situations apply to you?

A mortgage is the biggest loan you'll take out, and repayment efforts can last decades. Because monthly installments are payments you'll be dealing with for years to come, it's important to set yourself up for mortgage success.That means protecting your credit score, comparing lenders, paying attention to the market, and replacing your mortgage con...
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Home Loan

Mortgage Underwriting: What It Is and What to Expect

Understanding this vital step in the home loan process.
Buying a Home

Your Ultimate Guide to the Difference Between Pre-Qualifying for Mortgage vs. Pre-Approval

We’ll give you a better understanding of what it means to be pre-qualified vs. pre-approved for your mortgage.
Household Finances

Your FICO Score 10 and 10 T Explained

All about the latest FICO credit score and why it might become the new standard in home mortgages.
Home Loans

The Difference Between APR and Interest Rate

Two percentages matter when you're comparing home loans, and one is more important.
Buying a Home

Mortgage Broker, Mortgage Banker, or Loan Officer? What's the Right Call?

The differences can be subtle but crucial. Here’s what you need to know.
Household Finances

The Credit Scores That Matter Most in Your Situation

Learn about the particular credit scores that stand between you and a new credit card, a car loan, or a mortgage.

When Can I Refinance My Home?

Discover the best time to refinance your home and the perks of doing it.
Equity & Value

Make Your Home Renovations Come True With Cash-Out Refinancing

Cash-out refinancing could be your chance to complete your home renovation checklist.
Home Buying

Best First Time Home Buyer Tips of 2023

7 tips every first-time homebuyer needs.
Getting Started

Your FICO Score 9 Explained

How FICO Score 9 works and how you can boost your credit score.
Equity & Value

Four Proven Ways to Build Home Equity Quickly

Owning more and owing less is the heart of home equity, and here are proven ways to tilt the seesaw in your favor faster.
Getting Started

Your FICO Score 8: What Is It and How Can You Raise It?

Learn about the one score that blends your activity from all three credit reports.
Mortgage Refinance

Your FICO Score 5 Is the Credit Score Mortgage Lenders Look At

A credit check reveals a lot about you to lenders, but they focus on one particular rating.
Reverse Mortgage

Is a Reverse Mortgage a Good Idea [2023]

A reverse mortgage might be a decent home loan option for certain people. Are you one of them?

How Often Can You Refinance Your Home?

Watch for these four signs to know when another home refinance might be worthwhile.
Green Living

3 Unexpected Benefits of Energy Efficiency

Conservation's far-reaching perks!
Solar Basics

When Is the Best Time to Go Solar?

If you are considering renewable energy, read this first!
Solar News

Green Energy Breaks World Record in 2022 per International Energy Agency

Despite supply chain issues, solar comes out on top once again.
Solar News

Homeowners Going Solar This Summer Are in for a Pleasant Surprise

With more government rebates and incentives than ever before, solar homeowners have reason to celebrate.
Solar News

America's Biggest Urban Solar Farm to Cap a Landfill

On top of a former landfill the nation's largest urban solar farm is about to rise.