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By Marisa Schley

5 Things You Shouldn't Do After Applying for a Mortgage

Ready to close? Steer clear of these common pitfalls.

Think you're in the clear because you've made an offer on a house and your mortgage process has begun? Think again!There are things you could do while waiting to close on a home that could jeopardize your mortgage approval. As there is a substantial amount of money involved, lenders are not willing to take big risks. That's why your lender will car...
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Questions to Ask When Refinancing: A Guide to Smart Decisions

Choosing a lender for a mortgage is one of the primary steps in the refinancing procedure, just like taking out a mortgage. Your lender will help you choose the best refinance to reach your financial and personal areas today and in the future. Get A Free Mortgage Quote There are many features to think about before choosing a lender and determining whether you should refinance your mortgage at all. Let’s explore some of the most essential refinancing questions you and your lender should ask

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Questions to Ask When Refinancing: A Guide to Smart Decisions

Choosing a lender for a mortgage is one of the primary steps in the refinancing procedure, just like taking out a mortgage. Your lender will help you choose the best refinance to reach your financial and personal areas today and in the future. Get A Free Mortgage Quote There are many features to think about before choosing a lender and determining whether you should refinance your mortgage at all. Let’s explore some of the most essential refinancing questions you and your lender should ask

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Know Your Neighbor: A "Golden Girls" Lesson

You might be friendly with the new neighbors at first, until George Clooney shows up.
Background Search Basics

How Do I Know If I Passed My Background Check?

Are nerves getting the best of you when it comes down to knowing if you passed your background check? We'll talk about the basics of background checks, how they work, how long they take, and what to do if you don't pass your background check.
Background Search Basics

What Is a Military Background Check, and What Does It Include?

As you would imagine, military background checks are quite thorough. Could you pass one?
Court & Criminal Records

Can You Pass a Background Check With a Misdemeanor?

The possible consequences of having a misdemeanor on your background report, and how long it stays there.
Background Search Basics

How Far Back Do Background Checks Go?

Understand the scope and limitations of background checks regarding the timeframe of past records.