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By Dan Johnson

How Long Does an Appraiser Stay at Your House? What Happens During an Appraisal

How Long Does an Appraiser Stay at Your House? What Happens During an Appraisal

Home appraisal is a vital step whenever planning to sell your house or refinance an existing mortgage. A common question many homeowners have is, “How long does an appraiser stay at my house?” Understanding what to expect could allow you to better prepare for a smooth and successful appraisal process. Get A Free Mortgage Quote An appraiser's time...
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Mortgage Refinance

Need Mortgage Refi Advice but Not Sure Where to Turn? Try Warren Buffett!

Buffett chimes in on mortgage refi boom with words of wisdom.
Household Finances

Money Right, Sleep Tight: 5 Tips to Destress Your Finances

Many people lose sleep worrying about money, while others practice these five strategies.
Home Equity

Homeowners Find Themselves Sitting on a Fortune

The time to cash out is right now.
Mortgage Refinance

One Brilliant Way a Cash-Out Refi Can Pay the Mortgage

Boss-level home improvement: Build a tiny house on your property, and the renter pays your mortgage.
Mortgage Refinance

Cash Out Refinances Are Suddenly All the Rage

Historically low rates are driving more and more homeowners to tap into their home equity.
Solar News

Previously Hesitant Homeowners Are Now Going Solar in Droves

As energy costs rise, solar keeps getting cheaper.
Getting Started

Shape Up Your Finances Prior to a Refi or Mortgage

Follow this 4-step financial fitness program so lenders will see you at your best.
Home Improvement

Easy DIY Under-$200 Home Security Kit

7 straightforward items (including 1 freebie!) to secure your home affordably.
Mortgage Refinance

Are You Sitting on Refinance Gold?

A housing market downturn is great news for refinancing homeowners.
Solar News

Going Solar Might Get Much Cheaper

New bill introduced in Congress could make it happen.
Household Finances

Stop Wasting Money Buying Rental Car Coverage Twice

Insurance by your credit card, even if there's a flat fee, is bound to be cheaper than what's offered by the rental car company.
Solar Basics

Level Up to As Much Solar As Suits You

Solar offers levels of participation (all of them rewarding) to match any homeowner's commitment.
Mortgage News

Refinance Rates Freefall After Government Eliminates Universally Hated Fee

Refi fee costing homeowners thousands at closing is no more.
Solar News

Disgraced Governor Cuomo Blocks HOAs From Restricting Solar

Measure may be his last bill signing.
Home Buying

Advantages of Buying in an Older Neighborhood

A more walkable life in a place with character and trees can be yours when you buy an older home.
Solar News

Several U.S. Solar Companies Want Trump's Tariffs to Stay

If we want to transition to clean Energy by 2035, this is the way.
Green Living

How Green Energy Is Facing the Challenges

Popular and pollution-free energy resources need to scale up and spread out, as the green energy industry well knows.
Home Improvement

Replacing Your Roof? Why Not Go Solar As Well?

Combining both jobs can save you serious cash.
Energy Saving Tips

The 3 Biggest Energy Hogs in a Typical Home and What You Can Do About It

Electricity is America's number one power source, so where is most of the juice going in your home?
Solar Incentives

Energy Prices to Rise 5% by Next Year While Solar Gets Cheaper

Rate trends strengthen home solar's value proposition.