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By Craig Johnson

Mortgage Refinance Checklist #2: Does It Make Financial Sense?

Sometimes fees and penalties mean that you barely break even with a refi, so you definitely want the numbers on your side before getting started.

This is the second installment of our refi checklist series. In the first one, "Your Goals," we helped you decide what you wanted to get out of a refi: lower payment, shorter term, cash out, change of lender, or some combination of all four. This time we delve into a list of financial considerations for refinancing. After all, if it's not...
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Home Buying

Common Misconceptions: First-Time Home Buyer Questions You Didn’t Know to Ask

Common misconceptions: first-time home buyer questions you didn’t know to ask are listed here. Learn more here before even thinking about buying a new home.
Home Buying

The Benefits and Risks of Refinancing Your Personal Loan

The Benefits and Risks of Refinancing Your Personal Loan. Discover how to lower payments and interest rates while weighing potential fees and long-term costs.
Home Buying

Exploring 40-Year Home Loans: Advantages and Disadvantages for Homebuyers

Exploring 40-Year Home Loans: Understand the pros and cons of a 40-year mortgage, including its impact on monthly payments, equity, and total interest costs.
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Selling a House on Your Own: What You Need to Know

Selling a House on Your Own: What You Need to Know. Read the blog post to gain insight into the steps and strategies needed to navigate the process successfully
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Net Zero Homes: Common Problems and How to Address Them

Net Zero Homes: Common Problems and How to Address Them. Read this blog post to find out more.
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How to Challenge and Reduce Your Property Taxes?

How to Challenge and Reduce Your Property Taxes? Read the blog post to save money on your home expenses.
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The Process of Conditional Loan Approval: What You Need to Know

The Process of Conditional Loan Approval: What You Need to Know – Explore essential tips and insights for effectively navigating the mortgage approval phase.
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The Significance of Mortgage Commitment in Securing Your Home Loan

The Significance of Mortgage Commitment in Securing Your Home Loan lies in providing financial assurance, boosting buyer credibility, and ensuring smoother transactions.
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The Basics of Solar Panel Electricity Generation: How It Works

The Basics of Solar Panel Electricity Generation: How It Works—Discover how solar panels turn sunlight into energy to power your home with easy-to-understand explanations.
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Maximizing Benefits from Off-Peak Hours: Tips and Insights

Maximizing Benefits from Off-Peak Hours: Tips and Insights. Lower your energy costs by using electricity during off-peak times. Discover practical strategies today!

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The Basics of SRECs: Definition and Function in Solar Energy. Learn how SRECs work, their financial benefits, and why they're essential for solar energy producers.
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The Benefits and Drawbacks of Net Metering: Is It Worth It?

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Net Metering: Is It Worth It? Discover how net metering can reduce bills, its environmental impact, and potential challenges.
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High Power Bill? How to Identify and Address the Causes

High Power Bill? How to Identify and Address the Causes—discover simple solutions, energy-saving tips, and government incentives to reduce your energy costs and keep your home efficient.
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The True Price of Being House Poor: Financial Implications and Solutions. Unveil the hidden costs, psychological effects, and expert strategies.
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Everything You Need to Know About Accelerated Loans

Everything you need to know about accelerated loans! Learn more about it here if you are thinking about getting an accelerated clause.
Protect Your Privacy

Shut It Down: How You Can Seal Your Court Records

These are the steps jurisdictions generally require before a judge might agree to seal, or even destroy, your records.

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You never really know who you just tied the knot with.

Seller Beware: Your Online Ad Draws Scammers

We are instinctively cautious when purchasing from strangers, but scammers also pretend to be buyers. Learn to spot them.
Protect Your Privacy

Protect Your Information Online Like the Security Experts Do

Cyber crime is at an all-time high, and background checks might be the only answer.

Is He Cheating? Know Once and for All

Don't be in the dark any longer.