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By Craig Johnson

Have You Ever Gotten Bad Real Estate Advice?

People share their top picks for the worst real estate advice out there.

Those of us who spend the day preparing guides, compiling tips, and generating helpful content usually pass right over anything labeled "bad" or "worst." We are interested in digging up "good" and "best." But hearing what some people consider bad real estate advice lets us take a step back and consider both s...
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Home Loan

7 Common Mortgage Myths Debunked

Don’t be swayed by misinformation when it comes to a home loan. Get the facts straight before beginning the search for your dream home.
Mortgage Refinance

COVID-19: Timing Right for Mortgage Refi

Low and volatile rates are drawing many refinancers to the market right now.
Home Loan

Interest Rate vs. APR: What's the Difference?

Making sense of annual percentage rates and interest rates.