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By Craig Johnson

Job Hunting? What to Do About Gaps in Your Employment Record

Be prepared to address longer periods of downtime in a job interview with these valuable strategies.

A few years ago in that period of high unemployment, being out of work needed only one word of explanation: pandemic. Gaps in your resume around 2020-2022 are probably easier to explain than other gaps. But what about other interruptions in your work record? Employers aren't just interested in what you did on the job but also in how you made use of...
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Home Equity

4 Ways to Build Quick Equity

Tried and true strategies for optimizing the investment in your home in a relatively short time.
Household Finances

3 Tips to Strengthen and Protect Your Credit Score

Work towards a high credit score so you can secure low interest rates on your mortgage.
Home Buying

Negotiate a 2.79% Mortgage Rate Like This

It didn't happen overnight, but research and tenacity got them a dream rate.
Home Buying

What Is PMI and Can I Avoid It?

PMI is the drawback of buying a home for a low down payment, but equity earns your way out.
Home Buying

5 Simple Ways to Save for a Down Payment

Thinking about buying a home? Put money aside for a down payment with help from these tips.
Home Buying

11 Mortgage Terms You Should Know

Head into the homebuying process well informed.
Home Buying

7 Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

Things you need to know before starting the search for your dream home.
Home Buying

How Much for a Down Payment?

Money talks. What does your down payment say?
Home Improvement

6 DIY Weekend Home Projects

Results in a weekend from these do-it-yourself home life improvers.
Personal Loan

5 Common Uses for a Personal Loan

Here's a taste of what you can use loan money for.
VA Home Loan

Buying a Home With a VA Loan

No down payments and good rates are just two of the excellent mortgage benefits for military members.
Home Loan

7 Common Mortgage Myths Debunked

Don’t be swayed by misinformation when it comes to a home loan. Get the facts straight before beginning the search for your dream home.
Mortgage Refinance

COVID-19: Timing Right for Mortgage Refi

Low and volatile rates are drawing many refinancers to the market right now.
Home Loan

Interest Rate vs. APR: What's the Difference?

Making sense of annual percentage rates and interest rates.